Pecan [PEE-can] - That's how you say it, OK?!
Before I started staying home with our babies, I (Janna) was in sales for almost ten years (if you don't count the years of me on the toy aisle selling my parents and grandparents as to why I really needed a certain Mattel product). Now, aside from selling Audrey on why she needs to take a bath and brush her hair, I really try hard NOT to do much promoting or selling of things. When we started this blog, I wanted to make sure it was purely for the sake of content. If that content could help, encourage, inform or motivate someone, then that has been icing on the cake. I appreciate those who have read, shared, commented and followed along with our journey of moving south, remodeling our old farmhouse and finding ways to be grateful each and every day.
In addition to pecans, I'm selling muffins, cinnamon rolls and sweet potato casserole - all with pecans in the recipe of course. Find out more about these options in the Kitchen Fixin's section of our site.
Now for the warm and fuzzy part. Today I was in Dollar General (remember my love hate relationship?), and I was in line buying a few things for dinner and I also was purchasing a few things for Audrey's preschool Thanksgiving project - they are collecting canned goods to include in Thanksgiving boxes they deliver around the community so that people in need can still have a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The lady behind me in line commented on the huge thing of rice I was buying! In our conversation, it eventually came out that the items were for those in need for Thanksgiving. She said how great of a project this was for our community and explained that when her son was two, she would have loved to be on the receiving end. She couldn't afford a turkey and she and her family had chicken instead. And then we both got choked up in the Dollar General check out line. Because we all need a good cry at Dollar General.
As the lady in Dollar General reminded me, so many people don't know what they are going to eat for their next meal, much less have extra money to spend on fancy pecans. So, as I was thinking about how to make our pecan project more than just about filling our bellies with yummy snacks, Weekend Blessings came to mind. I love the work they do to love on the kids in need in our area. They are a local non-profit organization that sends food home on the weekends with kids from school who may not be guaranteed a meal until they return to school on Monday. The best meal they get is at school each day. So with Toms shoes as my inspiration, with each bag of pecans or "Kitchen Fixin's" item sold, we'll donate one food item to Weekend Blessings.
Now for the "but" or "however" part. BUT I'm now asking you to listen to me pitch a little project we've been working on. Brett and his dad farm pecans, and for a few years Brett has been after me to figure out how to package and sell them. Now, since I have so much time on my hands and just sit around all day dreaming up things (puh!), I've finally done it! Really, my house is a wreck, since I pretty much can only do two things decently well at a time. It's either husband + babies and project work or husband+babies and housework.
We're selling plain, roasted and spiced pecans. All of the product information can be found on our "Pecans" page of the site. I don't have a fancy online ordering system. If you're interested in purchasing a bag for your family to enjoy or as a gift during this upcoming holiday season, please email me at If you are local to the Twin City area, you can also find our pecans at Sugar Bowl Bakery, GA Equipment, Pinetucky Meats and Twin City Drug Co.
Hold your horses. I know you were about to grab your keys and race to the store. But slow down. We aren't harvesting pecans until Thanksgiving week. So our pecans won't be available for order or in stores until the first of December. For those of you who plan ahead (unlike me) and are super organized, we will be taking pre-orders. So just email me with what you'd like me to set aside for you.
Hold your horses. I know you were about to grab your keys and race to the store. But slow down. We aren't harvesting pecans until Thanksgiving week. So our pecans won't be available for order or in stores until the first of December. For those of you who plan ahead (unlike me) and are super organized, we will be taking pre-orders. So just email me with what you'd like me to set aside for you.
In addition to pecans, I'm selling muffins, cinnamon rolls and sweet potato casserole - all with pecans in the recipe of course. Find out more about these options in the Kitchen Fixin's section of our site.
As the lady in Dollar General reminded me, so many people don't know what they are going to eat for their next meal, much less have extra money to spend on fancy pecans. So, as I was thinking about how to make our pecan project more than just about filling our bellies with yummy snacks, Weekend Blessings came to mind. I love the work they do to love on the kids in need in our area. They are a local non-profit organization that sends food home on the weekends with kids from school who may not be guaranteed a meal until they return to school on Monday. The best meal they get is at school each day. So with Toms shoes as my inspiration, with each bag of pecans or "Kitchen Fixin's" item sold, we'll donate one food item to Weekend Blessings.

At the end of the day, we hope these bags of pecans spread a little more love in the world and remind us that Jesus is the ultimate way to fill our hungry souls (Psalm 107:9).
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