Letting my top down

Calm down.  Everybody keeps their clothes on, even in the heat.  This is a simple post about the ceiling in the foyer.  For the cost of some all-you-can-eat chicken wings, I hired the big guns! When Janna isn't around, and Uncle Dick is, he proudly assumes the role of the great pontificator. He sees things related to woodworking that most people only dream of.  He's itching to get his hands on some of the leftover wood and square cut nails.  But today, he and Uncle Rhett are just the strong backs and set of hands needed to help get this ceiling down.   

I have no idea how either of them got this dirty.  There was only 125 years of dirt and dust and some old insulation. This may be why Janna has pontificated, see what I mean, that someone might need to vacuum the attic before we put the ceiling back up.  Who does that?  Probably me.

Look, I got uncle Dick to smile!

Ceiling boards and ceiling joists are gone.  All of it was held up on both sides of the foyer with a 1"x 2" strip.

Before sending Uncle Rhett off to college to play baseball at Georgia Southern, (BTW, I still owe him that AYCE chicken wing dinner), I suckered him and cousin Charlie into climbing, with me, into the attic and pulling out all the old insulation.  We tried to find a day that it was raining and cool.  We missed.  Hot and humid is the only way to work in the summer in south Georgia.  Especially in the 

Uncle Rhett quickly assumed a supervisory role as we neared the end.  "I'll hop down and clear us out a space to move the ladder closer to you" 

Charlie, as always, smiling for the camera.  He thought we were joking when we told him to wear long sleeves and pants.  But the boy just about jumped in the kiddie pool once he came down.  If it would've held us all, I'm sure Rhett and I would've joined him.   

All of the old insulation had to come out before the attic can be spray foamed.  Ridge and Marcus gave me the estimate on spraying the foam.  It includes about a day of prep work on the old house to make sure all of the cracks and crevices are sealed off.  If not, the foam would likely blow some of the boards clear off the house or the foam would expand right on outside.  I somehow doubt that would be on the decoration list of must haves for Janna.  Foam Art does have a ring to it though.  And hey, if we move in in time to decorate for Christmas, we can just hang lights on the foam art.   
